History of the Church

The Bethany Baptist Church was organizied in 1927 by the late Rev. Wilkerson. The church was located at 1929 McQuade Street. Rev. Wilkerson served for six years of service. The late Rev. Cainwas called to service from 1936 to 1937. The late Rev. Howard was called in 1937 and served ten years. It was under his pastorate that 1957 McQuade Strret was Purchased. In 1946, Rev. E.L. Wilcox was called. He called and ordained many deacons. Rev. Wilcox had a lasting impact on generations of members. When this edifice, 401 Stockton Street, was for sale, his foresight, unwavering faith in God, brought Rev. Wilcox to the decision to to buy this building for $17.50 dedicated deacons and members marched into the newly named Greater Bethany Baptist Church in 1963. Rev. Wicox served for 19 years during his tenure.
Greater Bethany
In 1965, the young inspiring Rev. Landon L. Williams was called. During his Patorate, upgrades to the interior of the church, including the Baptismal pool, were added. A basketball court was built for the Young People Department and for the neighborhood. In 1972, Rev. J.W. Murray was called. During his time, an usher board, choir and a new kitchen were added. Before completeing his four years, the mortgage was burned. The church then called the dynamic Rev. Joseph H. Jackson in 1972. Under his leadershipa youth training program and pulpit aid board was organized. He oversaw the operation and rental of a Kindergarten, Fantasy Land, and purchased two church vans. He ordained the Rev. Roosevelt, the late Rev. Eddie Sheppard, and Rev. Levy Wilcox.
Rev. Landon L. Williams
In 1980, Rev. John H. Perry Sr. accepted the call to paster Greater Bethany. During the 27 years he pastered, Rev. Perry organized many ministries and ordained many deacons and ministers. An elevator lift and two additional lots were obtained. Rev. Perry served faithfully during his tenure.
Pastor Perry
In May 2008, Rev. Darryl Edwards II started his servitude to the Greater Bethany Baptist Church. Since becoming the Shepard of this flock, he has made many changes and implemented programs that have benefited the membership, community, and city. Over the years, he was ordained one deacon and two miniters. Through preaching, teaching, evangelism and outreach, the church has baptized 120 individuals resulting in a membership of 200+ people. Several needed repairs and upgrades have been made to the current church. Due to the growth of the youth within the ministry, a children's church was developed. Moreover, to efficiently handle the business aspects of the church, an Executive Board was established and the minirty structure was reorganized. During this time, the church added the position of an Assistant Paster (Rev. Ken Myers, Sr.).
First Baby Christening
Paster Edwards' faithfullness and commitment to the things of God continues. Most recently, Pastor Edwards has spear headed a community wide job fair that served over 150 candidates; created a Creative Arts minitry; created a hospitality minisrty; established a Capital campaign and joined ICARE, an interfaith collation for the work of social justice, leading to the creation of a social justice ministry.
Pastor Darryl Edwards II
The history of the Greater Bethany Church is rich in tradition and commitment the work of the Kingdom. We are excited anout where God is leading us as we serve in His vineyad to His glory.